Vivo Life
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Vivo Life
Vivo Life’s mission here is simple. To make 100% plant-based health and fitness products, to help you look and feel awesome without costing the earth.
To say goodbye to artificial colours, flavours, fillers, binders, skinny teas, diet pills and false promises.
To stand up for our planet and all the living beings that we share it with.
This is the NEW generation of supplements.
‘For The Living’ is the Vivo commitment to living with passion, living with compassion, and living with respect for the world we call home.
So if you’re ready to get more from your body, to look and feel awesome, and to stand up for our planet and the animals…

100% Compostable Packaging & Scoopless
All Vivo Life products will come WITHOUT a scoop in the pouch to save on plastic waste. There will also be instructions on each pack showing how to measure a serving using tablespoons.
If you do need a set of scoops we have Vivo Life scoop sets available to order on our website. They’re made from plant based polymers (PLA) and will last for years if well looked after. If you do decide to dispose of them they can be composted via your food waste collection.
All Vivo Life Products Are

100% plant-based and cruelty free

Made with real food ingredients

Free from additives preservatives, colours, fillers and binders

Results driven and backed by science

Made in the UK

Made in accordance with our strict VGanic standards.